
K Thomas Lawson is proud to be a division of Bartlett Tree Experts, and our staff now has the backing of an international tree-care company and tree research laboratory to help continue providing excellent tree service and shrub care in the Charlottesville, Virginia area. View a complete list of professional tree services offered by Bartlett.

A Dead Tree is Beautiful, but dangerous 

Problem: If the entire tree is dead, the main problem is now SAFETY. Removing a dead tree can be much more challenging than a live tree because the internal decay is not known and normal tree removal and felling practices may be unreliable. An arborist will not climb a tree that may break apart when he is in it, and he must be careful to anticipate the tree twisting and turning in unexpected ways when cutting branches or the trunk.

There is usually no warning for debris coming down or the tree falling over. While waiting for your tree to be removed, direct traffic around the area.

Solution: Have a dying tree removed as soon as possible. If completely dead, pay strict attention to the area under AND around the tree and minimize activities for your family, pets, cars, customers, while you wait for it to be removed. Request from your arborist that he prioritize your job.

When to leave the dead tree: Located in the woods, or well away from your activities should it fall over(including your pets), it can be left to supply wildlife with important habitat and foraging opportunity. Dead standing trees provide host sites for larvae that feed birds, especially woodpeckers. A cavity in a dead tree may be the perfect home for squirrels, raccoons and birds

Above, A dead oak that cannot be climbed, next to a dead juniper tree

Homepage at www.Arborist-treecare,com 

Learn more about Tree Removal